2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Presenter | Institute | Title | Submission category |
Motti Bitton | Tel Aviv University | Feynman diagrams: Do we really need all of that? | High Energy Physics |
Amit Dekel | Tel Aviv University | Self-Duality of Integrable Green-Schwarz Sigma-Models | High Energy Physics |
Yochay Eshel Gilad Perez |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Radion Mass in Stabilization Mechanisms of Warped Extra Dimension | High Energy Physics |
Ishay Pomerantz Eli Piasetzky |
Tel Aviv University | Two-Body Hard Photodisintegration of 3He to p-d | High Energy Physics |
Konstantin Shougaev Abner Soffer |
Tel Aviv University | D0 -> V l+ l- rare charm decay sensitivity estimation at SuperB Factory experiment | High Energy Physics |
Amir Stern | Tel Aviv University | Measurement of the energy dependence of the total photon-proton cross section at HERA | High Energy Physics |
Nimrod Taiblum | Tel Aviv University | Search for New Long-Lived Particles at the LHC | High Energy Physics |
Asher Yahalom | Ariel University Center of Samaria | The Gravitational Origin of the Distinction between Space and Time | High Energy Physics |
Iair Arcavi | Weizmann Institute of Science | Supernovae in Dwarf Galaxies Help Probe the Evolution of Massive Stars | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Paz Beniamini [1] Dafne Guetta [3] |
"Hebrew University... |
Detecting the HE emission of LGRBs | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Franck Genet Tsvi Piran |
Racah Institute of Physics, the Hebrew University of Jerusal... | Is Gamma-Ray Bursts prompt emission from external inverse-Compton? | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Loren Hoffman | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Kinematic signatures of galaxy formation | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Amit Kashi Noam Soker |
Physics Department, Technion | The Powering Mechanism of Intermediate Luminosity Optical Transients and Luminous Blue Variables | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Amit Levi Morris Podolak |
Tel Aviv University the Department of Geophysics and Planeta... | Gas and Dust Transient Atmospheres Surrounding Intermediate Sized KBOs | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
David Polishook [1] Dina Prialnik [2] |
Weizmann Institute... |
Parameter-study of the Yarkovsky effect: The contribution of the rotation period | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Asher Yahalom [1] Jacob Levitan [1] |
Ariel University Center... |
Lyapunov vs. Geometrical Stability Analysis of Circular and Real eccentricity Kepler Orbits | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Pavel Kishcha Boris Starobinets |
Tel-Aviv University | Variations of Meridional Aerosol Distribution and Solar Dimming | Geophysics and Planetary Science |
Yoav Etzioni [1] Baruch Horovitz [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Rings and boxes with dissipative environments | Mesoscopic Physics and Nanosystems |
Chia-Wei Huang [1,2] Massoud Borhani [2] |
Department of Physics,... |
Two-electron spin relaxation in a double quantum dot | Mesoscopic Physics and Nanosystems |
D. Rakhmilevich M. Ben Shalom |
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy,... | Phase Coherent transport in LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 interface | Mesoscopic Physics and Nanosystems |
Eial Teomy [1] Amnon Aharony [1,2] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Rashba spin-orbit interaction in a two-dimensional ring subject to a magnetic field | Mesoscopic Physics and Nanosystems |
Eran Amit Amit Keren |
Technion | Precise Measurement of the Oxygen Isotope Effect on the Ne'el temperature | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Yeshayahu Atzmon Efrat Shimshoni |
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900,... | Superconductor-Insulator Magneto-Oscillations in Superconducting Strips | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Gil Bachar Oren Suchoi |
Technion | Nonlinear phenomena in superconducting YBaCuO microwave resonators | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Y. Hammer R. G. Mints |
Tel Aviv University | Critical current at a surface of a layered superconductor | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Ze'ev Lindenfeld Eli Eisenberg |
Tel Aviv University | On the Possibility of Electron Pairing in Small Metallic Nanoparticles | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Ronen Magier David J. Bergman |
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy,... | Strong-field magnetotransport of a normal conductor/super conductor/insulator disordered composite material — Simulations on a discrete model | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Muntaser Naamnieh Amit Kanigel |
Technion | Doping dependence of the de-pining current in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
A. Segal M. Karpovski |
Tel Aviv University | Inhomogeneity and transverse voltage in superconductors | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Miron Amusia [1] Vasiliy Shaginyan [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Quasiparticles of strongly correlated Fermi liquids at high temperatures and in high magnetic fields | Solid State Physics |
Shelomo I. Ben-Abraham [1] Alexander Quandt [2] |
Department of Physics,... |
Aperiodic structures and notions of order and disorder | Solid State Physics |
M. Chuchem [1] K. Smith-Mannschott [2,3] |
Department of Physics,... |
Semiclassical analysis of quantum dynamics in the bosonic Josephson junction | Solid State Physics |
Israel Cohen David J. Bergman |
Tel Aviv University | Optical transmission through metal films with a subwavelength hole array in the presence of a magnetic field | Solid State Physics |
Kobi Cohen Ronen Rapaport |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusal... | Trapping, Flow Control, and Objective Density Calibration of Dipolar Exciton Fluids Using Remote Interactions | Solid State Physics |
Yuriy Gofman | Jerusalem College of Technology | The formation of unstable Frenkel pairs in irradiated materials by charged particles | Solid State Physics |
S. Lerer M. Ben-Shalom |
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University | Evidence for multiple types of charge carriers at the conducting interface formed between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 from thermal transport measurements. | Solid State Physics |
Zohar Ringel Yaacov E. Kraus |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Determining topological order from a local ground state correlation function | Solid State Physics |
Jonathan Ruhman Emanuele G. Dalla-Torre |
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute o... | Non-Local Order in Elongated Dipolar Gases | Solid State Physics |
Ofer Shlagman Efrat Shimshoni |
Bar Ilan University | Magneto thermal transport in spin-ladder systems coupled to phonons | Solid State Physics |
Itai Afek Yonatan Israel |
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute... | High-NOON States by Mixing Quantum and Classical Light | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Miron Ya Amusia [1, 2] Larissa V Chernysheva [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Non-dipole effects in angular distributions of secondary electrons in fast particle-atom scattering | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Miron Ya Amusia [1, 2] Larissa V Chernysheva [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Photoionization of Onion-type atoms | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Igal Balin Nir Dahan |
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology | Bandgap Structure of Thermally Excited Surface Phonon Polaritons | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Dipankar Bhattacharyya Rami Pugatch |
Department of Physics of Complex System, Weizmann Institute... | Hearing the diffusion modes by using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT). | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Robert Englman [1] Asher Yahalom [2] |
Soreq NRC, Yavne 81800... |
Distributed Phase Acquisition in a Wave Function | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
H. Landa [1] S. Marcovitch [1] |
School of Physics and A... |
Putting a Soliton into Quantum Superposition | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Ilai Schwarz [1] Nitzan Livneh [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
A simple unified analytical model for extraordinary transmission in subwavelength metallic gratings | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Michael Volodarsky [1] Ido Dolev [1] |
Dept. of Physical Elect... |
Frequency conversion of surface plasmon-polaritons at a boundary of nonlinear dielectric and metal | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Shai Yefet Na'aman Amer |
Physics Department and Nanotechnology Institute, Bar-Ilan Un... | A novel Femtosecond Mode-Locked Laser with Flexible Control of the Emitted Spectrum | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Amir Bashan [1] Ronny P. Bartsch [2] |
Department of Physics,... |
Dynamical Networks of Integrated Physiological Systems: Network Transition Across Physiologic States | Biophysics |
Evgeniya Levy [1] Alexander Puzenko [1] |
The Hebrew University o... |
Dielectric Relaxation in ATP and AMP aqueous solutions | Biophysics |
Moshe Lindner Guy Nir |
Department of Physics & Institute for Nanotechnology, Ba... | 3D Distribution Of Tethered DNA Measured Using Gold Nano-Beads | Biophysics |
Guy Nir [1,2] Moshe Lindner [1,2] |
Physics department, Ba... |
HU protein induces incoherent DNA persistence length | Biophysics |
Irit Levin-Reisman Orit Gefen |
Hebrew University Jerusalem | Automated imaging with ScanLag reveals previously undetectable bacterial growth phenotypes | Biophysics |
Eitan Rotem [1] Adiel Loinger [1] |
Hebrew University, Jeru... |
Noise Amplification Breaks the Symmetry in Living Cells | Biophysics |
Avner Cohen Erez Janai |
Physics Department, Bar-Ilan University | Fluid suspensions of colloidal ellipsoids: direct structural measurements | Soft Matter and Chemical Physics |
Eli Flaxer | AFEKA - Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering | Programmable Smart Electron Emission Controller for Supersonic Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry | Soft Matter and Chemical Physics |
Xingkun Man [1] David Andelman [1] |
Raymond and Beverly Sac... |
Block Copolymer at Nano-Patterned Surfaces | Soft Matter and Chemical Physics |
Emma Mogilko Erez Janai |
Physics Department, Bar-Ilan University | Monodisperse colloids of different shapes: confocal microscopy of collective behavior | Soft Matter and Chemical Physics |
Yulia Sokolov Derek Frydel |
Tel Aviv University | The Dynamics in Many-Particle Optical Vortices | Soft Matter and Chemical Physics |
Amir Bashan Roni Parshani |
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University | Percolation of Networks Composed of Connectivity and Dependency Relations | Statistical Physics |
Ori Hirschberg [1] David Mukamel [1] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Condensation in temporally correlated zero-range dynamics | Statistical Physics |
Erez Janai Eli Sloutskin |
Physics Department, Bar-Ilan University | Lattice animals in experimental 2D-gels of sticky colloids | Statistical Physics |
Yacov Kantor [1] Mehran Kardar [2] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Polymer-mediated force between a cone and a plane | Statistical Physics |
Nickolay Korabel Eli Barkai |
Physics Department, Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced... | Paradoxes of Subdiffusive Infiltration in Disordered Systems | Statistical Physics |
Ingo Lohmar [1] Andrea Wolff [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Continuous Distributions of Binding Energies in Diffusion-Limited Surface Reactions | Statistical Physics |
Maor Shutman Alex Butenko |
Physics Department, Bar-Ilan University | Correlations and rotational anisotropy in random packings of colloids | Statistical Physics |
Moti Ben-Harush Itzhack Dana |
Minerva Center and Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan Universit... | Kicked Hall Systems: Generic Super-Weak Chaos on a Universal Stochastic Web | Nonlinear Physics |
Avi Gozolchiani [1] Kazuko Yamasaki [2] |
Minerva Center and Depa... |
The Emergence of El-Niño as an Autonomous Component in the Climate Network | Nonlinear Physics |
Yael Klein Eran Sharon |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Experimental Study of Energy Scaling in Non-Euclidean Plates | Nonlinear Physics |
Uri London Omri Gat |
Racah Inst. Physics, Hebrew University, Israel | Geometric phase interferometry in two-dimensional optical lattices | Nonlinear Physics |
Oded Yaakobi Lazar Friedland |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusal... | Autoresonant four-wave mixing in optical fibers | Nonlinear Physics |
Nathan Argaman | Physics department, N.R.C.N. | Can elemental bismuth be a liquid crystal? | Material Physics |
Alon Eliran Naftaly Goldshleger |
Ariel University Center of Samaria | A novel method for studying soil 3D structure using millimeter and sub-millimeter (THz) waves | Applied Physics |
Adar Sonn [1] David Kapfenberger [1] |
Tel Aviv University... |
High Frequency Holographic Microrheology of F-actin | Applied Physics |
Ifat Zakosky Irena Shafir |
Tel Aviv University | Optical Properties of Silver Halide Doped Crystals | Applied Physics |
Pavel Khain Lazar Friedland |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Autoresonant BGK modes | Plasma Physics |
Y. Koulik I.I. Beilis |
Electrical Discharge and Plasma Laboratory, Tel Aviv Univers... | Refractory Anode Temperature Measurement in a Vacuum Arc. | Plasma Physics |
Harry S. Marks [1] Mark Volshonok [1] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Improvement of a wiggler by single axis magnetic measurement, virtual synthesis, and relocation of magnets | Plasma Physics |
Ariel Nause [1] Avraham Gover [1] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Preliminary Study Results of Collective Noise-Dynamics Control in the LCLS Injector e-Beam | Plasma Physics |
Erez Raicher [1,2] Zohar Henis [1] |
Soreq NRC ... |
Non-LTE Equation of State for Simulation of Laser Plasma Interaction | Plasma Physics |
Uri Nevo [1] Adar Oni-Grinberg [1] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Physics Education- the toolbox for future scientists and inventors | Physics Education |