2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
A sufficiently long spin decoherence time is of particular importance for logic gate operations in quantum computing. One promising scheme of logic gate operations is based on electrically gate-defined semiconductor double quantum dots (DQDs). However, recent experiments have shown that hyperfine interactions between electron and nuclear spins are a significant cause for electron spin decoherence. Here we study the two-electron spin relaxation time in a DQD due to the hyperfine interaction and the electron-phonon interaction, at various energy detunings (ε) and magnetic fields. In particular, we focus on two limits of interdot energy detunings, where the zero is set at the S(1,1)/S(0,2) degeneracy. For ε > 0, we investigate the spin blockade by evaluating the electron spin relaxation rate from low energy triplet states to the ground S(0,2) state. For ε < 0, we calculate the electron spin relaxation time at the S(1,1)-T0 degeneracy to examine whether the ST0 qubit has minimal leakage. Our results show that external magnetic fields can reduce the ST0 current leakage in the low bias regions, and the spin blockade is sealed better in the bias region where the influence of excited states can be ignored.