2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Since the relaxation times of galaxies are much longer than a Hubble time, their stellar distribution functions contain a wealth of information about their formation pathways. Using treeSPH (Gadget-2) and self consistent field simulations, I will demonstrate several examples of how galaxy formation processes imprint themselves on the final 2D kinematics, as currently observable with integral field spectrographs such as SAURON and OASIS. On scales of ~1-10 times the radius of influence of the central supermassive black hole (SMBH), I will discuss the long-term signature of SMBH binary inspiral in a variety of triaxial geometries. Next I will discuss the characteristic orbital structure of the remnants of major mergers between spirals, and the striking resemblance of these results with dynamical models of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4365. The merger simulations predict a distinct kinematic transition between 1 and 3 effective radii (Reff), that will be readily observable with combined data from SAURON and the SMEAGOL survey, extending 2D kinematics measurements of nearby giant ellipticals out to ~3-4Reff. The outer rotation profiles of elliptical galaxies may provide important clues to distinguish between various cosmological formation scenarios.