2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
We report a field induced superconductor to insulator transition (SIT) obvserved via transport measurements in a superconducting SrTiO3/LaAlO3 (111) interface. The recently discovered 2DEG at the SrTiO3/LaAlO3 (111) interface exhibits unique phenomena not seen in its (100) counterpart such as six-fold symmetric anisotropic magnetoresistance1 and hole like charge carriers2, making it a prime target for research of novel effects such as the SIT. We map out the phase diagram of the interface for temperature, magnetic field and electrostatic gating. In the depleted region we can probe the highly insulating regime, where the sheet resistance is significantly larger than the quantum one. Despite the large resistance, the interface exhibits the sharp increase in resistance under applied magnetic field characteristic of a SIT, indicating the dominance of superconducting fluctuations over magneto-transport properties in this regime. The highly disordered region has not been previously researched experimentally and our results hint the generally accepted theory may be incomplete3. We also compare the transitions for perpendicular and parallel magnetic fields and show that the effect of the perpendicular field is orders of magnitude larger, reinforcing the claim that the insulating state is a result of vortex condensation.
[1] Rout P. K., et al., Physical Review B, 95, 241107 (2017).
[2] Davis S., et al., Physical Review B, 95, 035127 (2017).
[3] Fisher M. P. A., Physical Review Letters, 65, 923 (1990).