
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Giorgio Paolucci
SESAME SESAME: progress in commissioning and research opportunities
Reinhard Genzel
Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany Testing General Relativity with Infrared Interferometry of the Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center
Erik Verlinde
University of Amsterdam Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe
Dirk Van Der Marel University of GenevaViscosity in electron liquids
Paul Chaikin New York UniversityQuantifying hidden order out of equilibrium
Andreas Hoecker CERNDaybreak at the LHC: what we learned from the 13 TeV data so far
Eli Piasetzky School of Physics and astronomy, Tel Aviv UniversityProbing Cold Dense Nuclear Matter
Ofer Lahav University College London100 years of the Cosmological Constant: new results from the Dark Energy Survey
Dovi Poznanski Tel Aviv UniversityMulti Messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger — A Success Story
Lisa Randall Harvard UniversityDark Matter and the Dinosaurs
Erez Gilad The Unit of Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, IsraelPhysical design of nuclear reactor core using genetic algorithm
Yoram Karni, Philip C. Klipstein, Eran Avnon, Yael Benny, Avraham Fraenkel, Alex Glozman, Elad Hojman, Olga Klin, Leonid Krasovitsky, Lidia Langof, Inna Lukomsky, Michal Nitzani, Noam Rappaport, Itay Shtrichman, Noam Snapi, Eliezer Weiss SCD SemiConductor DevicesType II superlattice technology for LWIR detectors
Eilon Poem, Thomas Hiemstra, Andreas Eckstein, Xian-Min Jin, Ian Walmsley Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7600001, IsraelFree-space spectro-temporal and spatio-temporal conversion for pulsed light
Ronen Chriki, Simon Mahler, Chene Tradonsky, Vishwa Pal, Asher A. Friesem, Nir Davidson Weizmann Institute of ScienceUltra-fast speckle free wide field imaging
Avishay Gal-Yam Weizmann Institute of ScienceDirect spectroscopic analysis with application to superluminous supernovae and the recent kilonova spectra
Adam Rubin, Avishay Gal Yam Department of Particle Physics and AstrophysicsObservations of young hydrogen-rich supernovae and new instruments to study them
Yael Hillman, Michael Shara, Dina Prialnik, Attay Kovetz The American Museum of Natural History, NYCharacteristics of Classical and Recurrent Novae obtained by combining models and observations
Maayane Soumagnac, Eran Ofek, Avishay Gal-Yam, Nora Linn Strotjohann Weizmann institute of ScienceA UV glimpse at wind supernovae
Shmuel Bialy, Blakesly Burkhart, Amiel Sternberg Tel-Aviv UniversityThe Atomic-to-Molecular Transition in a Turbulent Medium
Masazumi Honda, Lorenzo Di Pietro Weizmann institute of ScienceCardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization
Marco Fazzi TechnionTesting AdS7/CFT6 with orientifolds
Subhajit Mazumdar The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of JerusalemMembrane hydrodynamics and black holes
Evyatar Sabag, Amos Yarom, Moshe Rozali TechnionHolographic turbulence in a large number of dimensions
Alexander Milov Weizmann Institute of ScienceMeasuring underlying event properties in high pileup conditions.
Lior Arazi Ben Gurion UniversityThe NEXT experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay search in Xe-136
Aviv Shalit, Oz Davidi, Gilad Perez, Rick S. Gupta, Diego Redigolo Weizmann Institute of ScienceThe Nelson-Barr Relaxion
Oz Davidi, Rick S. Gupta, Gilad Perez, Diego Redigolo, Aviv Shalit Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001,IsraelHierarchion - a unified framework to address the Standard Model's hierarchies
Itamar Levy, Halina Abramowicz, Yan Benhammou, Oleksandr Borysov, Maryna Borisova, Alon Joffe, Aharon Levy Tel Aviv UniversityForward calorimetry for future e+e- colliders
Peter Szabo, On Behalf of the Direxeno Collaboration Weizmann Institute for ScienceDirexeno - Measuring Directional Scintillation in Liquid Xenon
Ron Guy The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew UniversityMichael Hass – Obituary
Michael Paul, Anton Wallner The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, IsraelRecent Explosive Nucleosynthesis Probed by Analysis of Deep-Sea Terrestrial Archives
Lorenzo Contessi The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew UniversityEffective Field theory for natural and lattice nuclei
Zvi Citron Ben Gurion UniversityMoving High-Energy Nuclear Physics Forward at the LHC
Moshe Tessler, Michael Paul, Tala Palchan, Shlomi Halfon, Leonid Weissman, Arik Kreisel, Asher Shor, Ido Silverman, Melina Avila Coronado, S. Almaraz-Calderon, Richard Pardo, K. Ernst Rehm, Daniel Santiago-Gonzalez ,, Robert Scott, Claudio Ugalde, Richard Vondrasek, Mario Weigand, Tanja Heftrich, Rene Reifarth, D. Veltum, Roland Purtschert, D. Baggenstos, Philippe Collon, Yoav Kashiv [1] The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, IsraelNUCLEOSYNTHESIS 36,38Ar(n,g) REACTIONS WITH THE HIGH-INTENSITY SARAF-LiLiT NEUTRON SOURCE
Philip King St. Andrews UKFerromagnetic and spin-orbit coupled d-electron surface states of delafossite oxides
Ofer Kfir, Sergey Zayko, Christina Nolte, Murat Sivis, Marcel Möller, Birgit Hebler, Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Daniel Steil, Sascha Schäfer, Manfred Albrecht, Oren Cohen, Stefan Mathias, Claus Ropers University of GöttingenNanoscale Magnetic Imaging using Circularly Polarized High-Harmonic Radiation
Michael Mograbi, E. Maniv, P. K. Rout, Y. Dagan Tel Aviv UniversityOn the Insulator State of the Field Inducted Superconductor to Insulator Transisiton in SrTiO3/LaAlO3 (111)
Amit Ribak, Itai Silber, Christopher Baines, Khanan Chashka, Zaher Salman, Yoram Dagan, Amit kanigel Physics Department, Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyGapless Excitations in the Ground State of 1T-TaS2
Elihu Anouchi, Naor Vardi, Amos Sharoni Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, IL, 5290002, IsraelDynamics of the ramp reversal effect in VO2, V2O3 and NdNiO3
Jeremy Schiff Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan UniversityAnalytic Methods for Beating Transitions of Asymmetric Gaussian Beams in Nonlinear Waveguides
Or Alus, Shmuel Fishman TechnionStatistical description of Mixed systems (chaotic and regular)
Latif Eliaz Hebrew University of JerusalemOn the Essential Spectrum of Schroedinger Operators on Trees
Gadi Afek, Jonathan Coslovsky, Alexander Mil, Nir Davidson Weizmann Institute of ScienceRevival of Raman coherence of trapped atoms
Ohr Lahad, Ofer Firstenberg Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Rehovot, IsraelInduced resonators for quantum nonlinear optics
Ariane Soret, Karyn Le Hur, Eric Akkermans CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique (France)A Casimir effect in quantum mesoscopic physics
Itay Griniasty, Ulf Leonhardt Weizmann Institute of ScienceCasimir stress inside planar materials
Demitry Farfurnik, Yahel Horowicz, Nir Bar-Gill Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 9190401, IsraelIdentifying and decoupling many-body interactions in spin ensembles in diamond
Tsafrir Armon, Lazar Friedland Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of JerusalemQuantum versus classical dynamics in the optical centrifuge
Chene Tradonsky, Gaodi Cai, Ronen Chriki, Vishwa Pal, Simon Mahler, Asher A. Friesem, Nir Davidson Weizmann Institute of ScienceDigital control of intensity, phase and coherence of laser distributions
Tal Schwartz, Georgi Rozenman, Katherine Akulov, Adina Golombek Tel Aviv UniversityLong-range transport in organic materials via strong light-molecule coupling
Ran Finkelstein, Eilon Pem, Ohad Michel, Ohr Lahad, Ofer Firstenberg Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of ScienceBroadband quantum memory for photon synchornization
Igor Khanonkin, Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, Ouri Karni, Johann Peter Reithmaier, Gadi Eisenstein Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, IsraelRamsey fringes in inhomogeneously broadened InAs/AlGaInAs/InP quantum dots semiconductor optical amplifier operating at room temperature
Aviv Karnieli, Ady Arie Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Tel Aviv, IsraelA Fully Controllable Adiabatic Geometric Phase in Nonlinear Optics
Amir Sagiv, Adi Ditkowski, Gadi Fibich Department of Applied Mathematics, Tel Aviv UniversityLoss of Phase and Universality of Chaotic Laser Interactions
Ariel Kaplan, Sergei Rudnizky, Omri Malik, Hadeel Khamis, Adaiah Bavly, Hadeel Khamis, Lilach Pnueli, Philippa Melamed Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyNucleosome mobility and the regulation of gene expression: Insights from single-molecule studies
Roy Govrin, Itai Schlesinger, Shani Tcherner, Uri Sivan Department of Physics, Technion – Israel Institute of TechnologyRegulation of Surface Charge by Biological Osmolytes
Rona Shaharabani, Roy Beck, Maor Ram-On, Yeshayahu Talmon Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6997801.Multiple Sclerosis Triggers from a Biophysical Perspective
Niv Ierushalmi, Maya Malik-Garbi, Kinneret Keren, Alex Mogilner TechnionCentering and symmetry breaking in confined contractile actin networks
Maayan Levin, Dr. Yael Roichman Physical chemistryBiomolecules self organization at early stages
Oren Raz Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelThe Markovian Mpemba effect
Tal Agranov, Baruch Meerson Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, IsraelNarrow escape of interacting diffusing particles
Yoav G. Pollack, Giorgio Parisi, Murrari Singh, Corrado Rainone, Itamar Procaccia Weizmann Institute of ScienceEmergent Many-body Interactions and Inapplicability of Hard Sphere Theory
Gadi Afek, Jonathan Coslovsky, Arnaud Courvoisier, Oz Livneh, Nir Davidson Weizmann Institute of ScienceObserving Power-Law Dynamics of Position-Velocity Correlation in Anomalous Diffusion
Raz Halifa- Levi, Yacov Kantor, Mehran Kardar Tel Aviv UniversityCompeting Adsorption Transitions in Objects with Different Dimensionalities
Ilia Khait, Patrick Azaria, Claudius Hubig, Ulrich Schollwoeck, Assa Auerbach Physics Department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.Doped Kondo chain - a heavy Luttinger liquid
Yaakov Kleeorin, Yigal Meir Physics Department, Ben Gurion University of the NegevReinventing the Mott relation for interacting systems: Thermopower and Conductance are related through entropy
David Dentelski, Aviad Frydman, Efrat Shimshoni, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre Bar-Ilan UniversityTunneling probe of fluctuating superconductivity in disordered thin films
Eyal Leviatan, Jens H. Bardarson, Frank Pollmann, David A. Huse, Ehud Altman Weizmann Institute of Science, RehovotQuantum thermalization dynamics with Matrix Product States
Alon Yagil, M. Raju, Anjan Soumyanarayanan, Anthony K. C. Tan, A. Almoalem, O. M. Auslaender, C. Panagopoulos Department of Physics, Technion, Haifa 32000, IsraelEvolution of chiral magnetic textures and their topological Hall signature in Ir/Fe/Co/Pt films
Omrie Ovdat, Eric Akkermans TechnionZero mode and vacuum charge : QED in graphene
Tami Pereg-Barnea McGill UniversityDisentangling signatures of Floquet topological systems
Or Golan, Eran Sela, Kirill Shtengel Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, IsraelMajorana Fermions in Synthetic Dimensions
Omri Golan, Ady Stern Weizmann Institute of ScienceResponses and anomalies in a topological superconductor from emergent gravity
Binghai Yan Department of Condensed Matter PhysicsTopological Responses in Weyl semimetal Materials
16:15-16:35 invited
El'ad N. Caspi, Asaf Pesach, Eitan Tiferet, Sven C. Vogel, Michael Chonin, Alex Diskin, Lior Zilberman, Oleg Rivin, Ori Yeheskel Physics Department, Nuclear Research Centre-Negev, P.O. Box 9001, Beer-Sheva 84190, IsraelMicrostructure Study of Ti-6Al-4V Additively Manufactured using Laser Selective Melting and Electron Melting
Ami Altman PHILIPS HealthcarePhysics Content and Challenges in Modern Medical Diagnostic Imaging
Eliezer Keinan, Ayelet Chen Abraham, Dana Reichmann, Daniel Kaganovich, Yaakov Nahmias Grass Center for Bioengineering, The Hebrew University of JerusalemHigh-Reynolds Microfluidic Sorting of Large Yeast Population Demonstrates Early Age-Dependent Changes in Protein Quality Control
15:45-16:15 invited
Eitan Tiferet, Moshe Ganor, Dennis Zolotaryov, Andrey Garkun, Michael Chunin, Ofer Tevet, Ori Yeheskel Materials Department, Nuclear Research Center Negev, Beer-Sheva, IsraelMAPPING THE TRAY OF ELECTRON BEAM MELTING (EBM) Ti-6Al-4V SAMPLES - PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURE
Vincent Desjacques TechnionImpact of ultralight axion self-interactions on the large scale structure of the Universe
Uri Keshet Ben-Gurion University of the NegevVirial signals from galaxy clusters
Jonathan Freundlich, Avishai Dekel, Guy Ishai, Fangzhou Jiang, Aaron Dutton, Andrea Maccio Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, JerusalemFrom cusps to cores: a toy model based on episodes of inflows and outflows
Itai Linial, Re'em Sari Hebrew UniversityInferring Planet Properties from Transit Timing Variations
Niv Haim, Boaz Katz Weizmann Institute of ScienceClose approaches between two white dwarfs in hierarchical triple systems can be analytically predicted from initial conditions
Futoshi Yagi, "Hirotaka Hayashi ", "Sung-Soo Kim ", "Kimyeong Lee ", "Futoshi Yagi " "Tokai University"Discrete theta angle from O5-plane
Karthik Inbasekar Tel Aviv UniversityAmplitudes and hidden symmetries in N=2 Chern-Simons matter theory
Mikhail Evtikhiev Weizmann Institute of ScienceStudying superconformal symmetry enhancement through indices
Dorin Weissman Tel Aviv UniversityHolography inspired stringy hadrons
Adi Ashkenazi Massachusetts Institute of TechnologySearch for New Physics Beyond the Standard Model in Dijet Events at the LHC
Alessandro Manfredini WeizmannResult from XENON1T experiment and future prospects
Sanmay Ganguly Weizmann Institute Of ScienceSearch for heavy particles decaying to pairs of top quarks using lepton-plus-jets events in proton–proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Jonathan Shlomi, Eilam Gross, Erez Etzion Weizmann InstituteSearch for the decay of the Higgs boson to charm quarks with the ATLAS experiment
Yoav Afik, Eitan Gozani, Enrique Kajomovitz, Yoram Rozen Technion Institute Physics DepartmentEstablishing a Search for b→sll Anomalies with the ATLAS Detector
Avital Dery, Claudia Frugiuele, Yosef Nir Weizmann Institute of ScienceOn a large Higgs-electron Yukawa coupling
Mark Strikman Penn State Department of PhysicsColor fluctuations in nucleons and the EMC effect
Hila Deleon The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew UniversitySolar pp-fusion rate and the neutron half-life
Ayala Glick-Magid The Hebrew University of JerusalemMultipole Analysis For Tensor Transitions In Weak Nuclear Interactions
Ronen Weiss The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew UniversityApplication of the contact formalism to nuclear physics
Naama Brenner Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Network Biology Research LabExploratory adaptation in biological networks
Ram Avinery, Micha Kornreich, Roy Beck Raymond & Beverly Sackler School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv UniversityUniversal and efficient entropy estimation using a compression algorithm
Chen Bar-Haim, Haim Diamant Tel Aviv UniversityCorrelations in Suspensions Confined between Viscoelastic Surfaces: Noncontact Microrheology
Erdal C. Oğuz, Anne Meeussen, Martin van Hecke, Yair Shokef School of Mechanical Engineering and The Sackler Center for Computational Molecular and Materials Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel Geometric Frustration in Non-Periodic Mechanical Metamaterials
Eial Teomy, David Kessler, Herbert Levine Bar Ilan UniversityConfluent and non-confluent phases in the vertex model under open boundary conditions
Eugene Kanzieper Holon Institute of TechnologyNoise Analysis of Eigenlevel Sequences in Quantum Chaotic Systems
Lior Alon TechnionOn the Nodal Count Distribution of Quantum Graphs
Benjamin Remez, Moshe Goldstein Tel Aviv UniversityA Deal With the Devil: From Divergent Perturbation Theory to Exponential Convergence
Beena Kalisky Department of Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan UniversityImaging Nanoscale Magnetism
Aviad Landau, Eyal Cornfeld, Eran Sela Tel Aviv universityCharge Fractionalization in a Kondo Device
Tom Dvir, Lotan Attias, Maxim Khodas, Charis Quay, Marco Aprili, Hadar Steinberg The Hebrew UniversityVan-der-Waals integration of superconducting tunneling devices
(1) Eyal Yahel, (2) Moran Emuna, (1) Shloni Matityahu, (2) Guy Makov, (1) Yaron Greenberg (1) Department of Physics, NRCN, P.O. Box 9001, Beer-Sheva 84190, IsraelPHASE DIAGRAMS AND A REVERSIBLE LIQUID-LIQUID TRANSITION USING ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS IN A “PARIS-EDINBURGH” LARGE VOLUME PRESS
Abhay Kumar Nayak, Jonathan Reiner, Nurit Avraham, Andrew Norris, Binghai Yan, Ion Cosma Fulga, Jung-Hyun Kang, Torsten Karzig, Hadas Shtrikman, Haim Beidenkopf Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, IsraelSpectroscopic imaging effects of interactions in semiconducting nanowires
Efi Efrati Weizmann InstituteRotational diffusion of a molecular cat: Fractional statistics in the harmonic three body problem
Jonathan Mayzel, Atul Varshney, Victor Steinberg Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of ScienceImaging two-dimensional viscous electronic flow in rectangular and elliptic geometries using low Reynolds micro-fluidic finite width flow systems
Omer Tzuk, Hannes Uecker, Ehud Meron Physics Department, Ben-Gurion University of the NegevThe Role of Self-Organized Spatial Patterns in the Design of Agroforestry Systems
Ohad Vilk, Michael Assaf Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of JerusalemPopulation Extinction due to Bursty Reproduction in a Time Modulated Environment
Louis Shekhtman, Michael M Danziger, Ivan Bonamassa, Sergey Buldyrev, Vinko Zlatic, Shlomo Havlin [1] Bar Ilan UniversitySecure message passing in networks with communities
Shay Hacohen-Gourgy Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720, USASimultaneous measurement of incompatible observables.
Tuvia Gefen, Amit Rotem, Simon Schmitt, Liam P. McGuinness, Fedor Jelezko, Alex Retzker Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904 Jerusalem, IsraelSpectroscopy methods with quantum sensors
Avishy Carmi, Eliahu Cohen Center for Quantum Information Science and Technology and Faculty of Engineering Sciences Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba 8410501, IsraelRelativistic causality limits nonlocal quantum correlations via uncertainty
Felix Thiel, David A. Kessler, Eli Barkai Physics Department, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe quantum first detection problem
Amit Finkler, Lukas Schlipf, Thomas Oeckinghaus, Durga Dasari, Kebiao Xu, Malte Drescher, Mykhailo Azarkh, Andrea Zappe, Bastian Kern, Klaus Kern, Joerg Wrachtrup Department of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of ScienceProposal for a molecular quantum spin network
Itzik Kapon, Amit Keren TechnionThe Stiffnessometer - a magnetic-field-free superconducting stiffness meter reveals two critical temperatures in LSCO
Yehuda Dinaii, Ilya Gruzberg, Boris Spivak Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesFinite-Momentum Superconducting State Generated by Electromagnetic Radiation
Ori Negri, Moran Zaberchik, Amit Keren, Michael Reznikov Physics faculty, Technion IITNoise in metal high temperature superconductor junctions
Arnab Roy, Efrat Shimshoni, Aviad Frydamn Bar Ilan UniversityStudy of the Superconductor–Insulator quantum phase transition using Nernst effect
Vladimir Kalnitsky, Netanel Lindner TechnionSign reversal of the Hall effect in d-wave superconductors
Omri J. Sharon, Avner Shaulov, Jorge Berger, Amos Sharoni, Yosi Yeshurun Department of Physics and Institute of Nano Technology, Bar-Ilan University, 5290002 Ramat-Gan, IsraelCurrent-induced SQUID behavior of superconducting Nb nano-rings
Mark Rudner Center for Quantum Devices and Niels Bohr International Academy, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen, DenmarkQuantized magnetization density and the topology of anomalous Floquet insulators
Gal Shavit, Moshe Goldstein Tel-Aviv UniversityTopology by Dissipation: Transport Properties
Daniel Dahan, Eytan Grosfeld, Babak Seradjeh Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 8410501, IsraelDynamically induced topology in a gapless system
Kirill Shtengel, Tobias Meng,, Adolfo G. Grushin, Jens H. Bardarson Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521, USAA Fractional Chiral Semimetal
Ron Folman Ben Gurion UniversityHow basic research and technology are coming together as the second quantum revolution
Geva Arwas, Doron Cohen Physics, Ben-Gurion UniversityPersistent currents and chaos for ultracold bosons on a lattice ring
Constantine Shkedrov, Yanay Florshaim, Gal Ness, Yoav Sagi Physics Department and Solid State Institute, Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyHigh sensitivity RF spectroscopy of a degenerate Fermi gas
Amit Rotem, Tom Manovitz, Ravid Shaniv, Itsik Cohen, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, Alex Retzker, Roee Ozeri Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, IsraelFast Dynamical Decoupling of the Mølmer-Sørensen Entangling Gate
Yaakov Yudkin, Lev Khaykovich Physics Department BIULaser Cooling at Resonance
Adam Rubin, Avishay Gal-Yam, The SOXS collaboration Department of Particle Physics and AstrophysicsMITS: the Multi-Imaging Transient Spectrograph for SOXS
Hen Alpern, Prof. Oded Millo, Prof. Yossi Paltiel, Prof. Nadav Katz, Dr. Hadar Steinberg, Dr. Shira Yochelis, Eran Katzir, Tom Dvir Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew Univeristy Jerusalem IsraelUnconventional superconductivity induced in s-wave superconductors by adsorbed chiral molecules
Mikhail Evtikhiev Weizmann Institute of ScienceStudying superconformal symmetry enhancement through indices
Dror Liran, Itamar Rosenberg, K. West, L. N. Pfeiffer, Ronen Rapaport Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, IsraelControlling exciton-polaritons in waveguides.
Yaroslav Don, Eli Levy, Dor Gitelman, Eric Akkermans Department of Physics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 3200003, IsraelTopological Quasicrystallography
Anna Kremen, Hasan Khan, Yen Lee Loh, Tatyana .I. Baturina, Nandini Trivedi, Aviad Frydman, Beena Kalisky Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan 52900, IsraelMapping local superfluid density near the superconductor-insulator transition in NbTiN
Gal Ness, Constantine Shkedrov, Yanay Florshaim, Yoav Sagi Department of Physics and Solid State Institute, TechnionShortcut to adiabaticity in optical transfer of ultracold atoms
Moamen Jbara Yishai ManassenSingle molecule dynamics detected with scanning tunneling microscopy
Hamza Abudayyeh, Ronen Rapaport Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of JerusalemQuantum emitters coupled to circular nanoantennas for high brightness quantum light sources
Aviv Karnieli, Ady Arie Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Tel Aviv, IsraelStern-Gerlach dynamics for Single Photons: Spatial Separation of Orthogonal Frequency Superposition States
Hadar Greener, Haim Suchowski School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv UniversityComposite Pulses in N-level Systems with SU(2) Symmetry and their Geometrical Representation on the Majorana Sphere
Shai Wissberg, Elihu Anouchi, Amos Sharoni, Beena Kalisky Department of Physics, Bar Ilan UniversityLocal magnetic measurements of ultra-thin Pt/Co/Pt trilayers
Eylon Persky, Beena Kalisky Department of Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 5290002, IsraelLocal Effects of Electrostatic Gating on Conduction at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
P. K. Rout, E. Maniv, Y. Dagan Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978, IsraelLink between the superconducting dome and spin-orbit interaction in the (111) LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
Alexander B. Shick, Dmitry S. Shapiro, Alexander I. Lichtenstein Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech RepublicSpin and Orbital Magnetism of Rare Earth Atoms Adsorbed on Metal Substrates
Himanshu Lohani Institute of Physics, BhubaneswarBand Structure of Topological Insulator BiSbTe1.25Se1.75
Iliya Esin, Mark S. Rudner, Gil Refael, Netanel H. Lindner Physics Department, Technion, 320003 Haifa, IsraelSteady states and edge state transport in topological Floquet-Bloch systems
Yiftach Frenkel, Dennis V. christensen, Nini Pryds, Beena Kalisky Department of Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 5290002, IsraelUnusual magnetic signal along SrTiO3 crystallographic directions
Daniel Potashnikov, Oleg Rivin, Andreas Hoser, Sankalp Kota, Michael Barsoum, El'ad Caspi Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Physics Department, Haifa 32000, IsraelMagnetic ordering investigation in Mn2AlB2 using neutron diffraction
Dana Cohen-Azarzar, Maria Baskin, Lior Kornblum Andrew & Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering, TechnionBand offsets at the Al2O3 – Nb:SrTiO3 interface
Tamir Admon, David Mukamel, Yael Roichman Tel Aviv UniversityFluctuations in a Locally Driven Exclusion Process in Dense Colloidal Suspensions
Or Alus, Shmuel Fishman, James D Meiss TechnionUniversality of the Evolution in Paradigmatic Mixed Systems
Dana Vaknin, Michael M. Danziger, Shlomo Havlin Department of Physics, Bar Ilan UniversitySpreading of localized attacks in spatial multiplex networks
Bnaya Gross, Michael M. Danziger, Ivan Bonamassa, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, IsraelCrossover phenomena in spatially embedded complex system
Tatyana Kravchuk, Kamira Cohen-Weinfeld Solid State Institute of TechnionSurface Science Laboratory of Technion – your address for surface samples characterization
Omrie Ovdat, Daniel Brattan, Jinahi Mao, Juhang Jiang, Eva Andrei, Eric Akkermans TechnionDiscrete scale invariance: Threading the needle between anomalies, graphene and Lifshitz scaling
Paul Ben Ishai Department of Physics, Ariel UniversityThe behavior of water in the ultra-confinement of natural minerals - A 1D structural glass
Felix Thiel, David A. Kessler, Eli Barkai Physics Department, Bar-Ilan UniversityThe quantum first detection problem
Jorge Berger Ort Braude CollegeThe stationary SQUID
John Linden, Yasha Nikulshin, Shuki Wolfus, Yosi Yeshurun Institute of Superconductivity, Department of Physics, Bar Ilan UniversityPermanent Magnetic Inductive Fault Current Limiter
Hanna Martiskainen, Prof. Nimrod Moiseyev The Department of Physics, Technion- Israel Institute of TechnologyAdiabatic perturbation theory for atoms and molecules in the low frequency regime
Ram Adar, Tomer Markovich, David Andelman Tel Aviv UniversityBjerrum Pairs in Ionic Solutions: a Poisson-Boltzmann Approach
Dekel Shapira, Doron Cohen Ben-Gurion University of the NegevLognormal-like statistics of a stochastic squeeze process
Roie Cohen, Liat Amir-Zilberstein, Dimitri Rivkin, Micha Hersch, David Sprinzak Tel-Aviv UniversityElucidating the transition from disordered to ordered patterning in the mammalian Organ of Corti
Bertina Fisher, Larisa Patlagan Physics, TechnionCurrent-controlled-negative-differential-resistivity, insulator to mixed metal-insulator state switching and power dissipation in self-heated VO2 single crystals.
Chen Bar-Haim Chen Bar-HaimCorrelations in Suspensions Confined between Viscoelastic Surfaces: Noncontact Microrheology
Yoad Michael, Leon Bello, Michael Rosenbluh, Avi Pe'er Department of physics and BINA Center of nano-technology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, IsraelSub-shot noise Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy by non-linear phase detection
Harel Nagar, Dr. Yael Roichman Physical chemistryNon-diffracting beams for label-free imaging through turbid media
Tamar Shapira, Hen Alpern, Shira Yochelis, Gad Koren, Yossi Paltiel, Oded Millo Racah Institute of Physics and the Center for Nanoscience and Nanothechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, IsraelInduced unconventional superconductor order parameter in a proximity layer coated with chiral molecules
Pasha Tikhonov, Efrat Shimshoni Bar Ilan UniversityThermal Hall effect in a chiral Kagome spin stripe
Yishai Schreiber Bar Ilan University, Ramat-GanEntanglement Entropy on a Cayley Tree
Yael Avni, Ulf Leonhardt Weizmann Institute of ScienceCasimir self-stress in a dielectric sphere
Gregory Bolshak Tel Aviv UniversityKinetically Constrained Model for Granular Clogging
Lihi Musbat, Dilger J. M., Nihamkin M., Fuller D. R., El-Baba T. J., Sarkar S., Kronik L., Hirshfeld A., Friedman N., Sheves M., Clemmer D. E., Toker Y. Department of Physics, Institute for Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan UniversityIsomerization of Isolated Retinal Chromophore
Daniel Dahan, Mostafa Tanhayi Ahari, Gerardo Ortiz, Babak Seradjeh, Eytan Grosfeld Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 8410501, IsraelNon-Abelian fermion parity interferometry of Majorana bound states in a Fermi sea
Eilon Poem, Raam Uzdin, James Klatow, Patrick Ledingham, Jonas Becker, Christian Wenzetl, Krzystof Kaczmarek, Dylan Saunders, Joshua Nunn, Ian Walmsley Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7600001, IsraelExperimental demonstration of quantum effects in the operation of microscopic heat engines
Eilon Poem, Christian Weinzetl, Johannes Gorlitz, Jonas Becker, Ian Walmsley, Christoph Becher, Joshua Nunn Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovot 7600001, IsraelCoherent control and wave mixing in a dense ensemble of silicon vacancy centers in diamond
Naftali Smith, Baruch Meerson, Pavel Sasorov Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, IsraelFinite-size effects in the short-time height distribution of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
Eyal Bairey, Gil Refael, Netanel Lindner TechnionDriving-induced many-body localization
Jonathan Ron, Itai Pinkoviezki, Ehud Fonio, Ofer Feinerman, Nir Gov Department of chemical and biological physics, Weizmann instituteBi-stability in cooperative transport by ants in the presence of obstacles
Christine Stollberg Weizmann Institute of ScienceInvestigation of a small-scale z-pinch plasma
Tobias Gulden, Netanel Lindner, Erez Berg, Mark Rudner TechnionUniversal prethermal states in slowly driven many-body systems
Dan Gorbonos, Nir Gov Weizmann Institute of SciencePair Creation in Insect Swarms
Naama Brenner Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Network Biology Research LabExploratory adaptation in biological networks
Atanu Rajak, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre Department of Physics, Jack and Pearl Resnick Institute, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, IsraelLinear to marginal stability of interacting many kicked rotors
Idan Meirzada, Sigal Ariel Wolf, Nir Bar-Gill, Yonatan Hovav The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, IsraelNegative charge enhancement of near-surface nitrogen vacancy centers by multicolor excitation
Mor M. Roses, Yulia Shchadilova, Eugene Demler, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre Center for Quantum Entanglement Science and Technology (Quest), Bar-Ilan UniversitySignatures of a counter-lasing transition in a cavity QED experiment
Ori Eyal, O. Eyal, A. Willinger, V. Mikhelashvili, S. Banyoudeh, F. Schnabel, V. Sichkovsky, J. P. Reithmaier, G. Eisenstein Eletrical Engineering Dept. Technion, Haifa 32000 IsraelHigh Performance 1550 nm Quantum Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Operating at 25-100 °C
Rona Shaharabani, Roy Beck, Maor Ram-On, Yeshayahu Talmon Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6997801.Multiple Sclerosis Triggers from a Biophysical Perspective
Lukas Geyrhofer, Naama Brenner Network Biology Research Labs, and Faculty of Chemical EngineeringCoexistence and cooperation in distributed microbial populations
Efrat Roth, Yuval Garini Bar-Ilan UniversitySingle molecule measurements of a DNA origami polymer-like structure
Eugene Brozgol, Irena Bronshtein, Itamar Kantor, Yuval Garini Bar Ilan UniversityTime resolve intensity photo bleaching (TRIP) as a tool for quantify bound /unbound fraction of lamin A protein in vivo.
Avior Almoalem, Alon Yagil, Kyuil Cho, Serafim Teknowijoyo, Makariy A. Tanatar, Ruslan Prozorov, Yong Liu, Thomas A. Lograsso, Ophir M. Auslaender Department of Physics, Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyThe dependence of the absolute value penetration depth on doping in (Ba1−xKx)Fe2As2
Nir Schreiber, Reuven Cohen, Simi Haber Bar Ilan UniversityFerromagnetic Potts Models with Multi Site Interaction
Yi Yang, Lifan Wang Weizmann Institue of ScienceLight Echoes Around Supernova 2014J in M82 - From Near and Far
Guy Nir, Barak Zackay, Eran O. Ofek Weizmann InstituteThe advantages of telescopes with a non-circular pupil
Steve Schulze, Avishay Gal-Yam, Giorgos Leloudas Weizmann Institute of ScienceSuper-luminous supernova host galaxies: cosmic evolution, metal aversion and their galaxy environment
Guy Nir, Barak Zackay, Eran O. Ofek Weizmann InstituteStreak detection using fast Radon transform
Subhradeep Misra, Michael Stern, Arjun Joshua, Vladimir Y. Umansky, Prof. Israel Bar-Joseph Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelExperimental Study of the Exciton Gas – Liquid Transition in Coupled Quantum Wells
Noam Morali, Rajib Batabyal, Nurit Avraham, Yan Sun, Marcus Schmidt, Claudia Felser, Ady Stern, Binghai Yan, Haim Beidenkopf Weizmann Institute of ScienceProbing the Topological Fermi-Arcs via Scattering Processes in the Weyl Semimetal TaAs
Nimrod Segall, Eial Teomy, Yair Shokef Tel Aviv UniversityJamming vs. Caging in 3D Jamming Percolation
Rajib Batabyal, Noam Morali, Nurit Avraham, Haim Beidenkopf Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, IsraelConstruction of variable temperature scanning tunneling microscope
Guy Sharon, Avner Soffer Tel Aviv UniversityThe B —> D tau nu excess and precise vertexing at Belle-II
Steve Schulze, Avishay Gal-Yam, Eran Ofek Weizmann Institute of ScienceThe Palomar Transient Factory - The Core-Collapse-Supernova Data Release 1
Yevgeni Estrin, Mark Nikoloyevski, Aviva Melchior, Ran Salem Physics Department, Nuclear Research Center Negev, P.O. Box 3001, Beer Sheva 84190, IsraelHigh pressure melting curve of Tellurium
Tom Koren, Jonathan Reiner, Abhay Kumar Nayak, Nurit Avraham, Andrew Norris, Binghai Yan, Ion Cosma Fulga, Jung-Hyun Kang, Torsten Karzig, Hadas Shtrikman, Haim Beidenkopf Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, IsraeHot electrons regain coherence in semiconducting nanowires
Daniel Nikiforov, Bagrat Khachatryan, Jenya Tilchin, Nir Tessler, Efrat Lifshitz, Eitan Ehrenfreund Technion – Israel Institute of TechnologyMagnetic Field Effects in Organic Semiconductor Devices
Rakesh Chatterjee, Punyabrata Pradhan, Sakuntala Chatterjee Tel Aviv University, IsraelSystem of interacting particles with a periodicaly moving external potential
Moamen Jbara Moamen JbaraSingle molecule dynamics detected with scanning tunneling microscopy
Tamara Ehm, Rona Shaharabani, Roy Beck-Barkai Shaharabani R, Ram-On M, Avinery R, Aharoni R, Arnon R, Talmon Y & Beck R (2016) Structural Transition in Myelin Membrane as Initiator of Multiple Sclerosis. J. Am. Chem. Soc.Structural characterization of self-assembled inspired myelin sheath complexes: biophysical perspective on adrenoleukodystrophy
Itzik Kapon, Amit Keren, Zaher Salman TechnionThe Stiffnessometer: a magnetic-field free superconducting stiffness meter and its application to the cuprates
Moshe-Ishay Cohen, Yaakov Lumer, Hanan Herzig Sheinfux, Yonatan Plotnik, Mordechai Segev Physics Department, and Solid State Institute, Technion, Haifa, IsraelReflection and Transmission in Artificial Photonic Gauge Fields
Eliezer Keinan, Ayelet-chen Abraham, Dana Reichmann, Daniel Kaganovich, Yaakov Nahmias Grass Center for Bioengineering, The Hebrew University of JerusalemHigh-Reynolds Microfluidic Sorting of Large Yeast Population Demonstrates Early Age-Dependent Changes in Protein Quality Control
David Dentelski, Aviad Frydman, Efrat Shimshoni, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre Bar-Ilan UniversityTunneling probe of fluctuating superconductivity in disordered thin films
Sangeeta Rani Ujjwal, Nirmal Punetha, Awadhesh Prasad, Ramakrishna Ramaswamy Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus 8499000, IsraelEmergence of chimeras through induced multistability
Lee Yacobi, Behar Ehud, Tarem Shlomit, Lupu Nachman, Kaidar Avner, Vdovin Alex, Abramov Reuven TechnionSegmented Gamma-Ray Detectors For ISS-TAO mission
Eli Piasetzky, Ishay Pomerantz, Israel Mardor School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978Experimental activities at the Nuclear Physics Group at Tel Aviv University
Nava Leibovich, Eli Barkai Department of Physics, Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 5290002, IsraelNonstationary Power Spectrum and Aging 1/f Noise
Erez Cohen School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.The nuclear dance
Omer Tzuk, Hannes Uecker, Ehud Meron Physics Department, Ben-Gurion University of the NegevThe Role of Self-Organized Spatial Patterns in the Design of Agroforestry Systems
Kazuhiro Kubo, Itzhack Dana Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 5290002, IsraelQuantum Dynamical and Topological Properties of Kicked Hall Systems in the Superweak-Chaos Regime
Meytal Duer Eli Piasetzkynp-dominance in asymmetric neutron rich nuclei