2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Macroscopic quantum systems typically suffer from rapid loss of coherence via coupling to the environment. An ensemble of noble-gas nuclear spins is a unique isolated system that could maintain its coherence for many hours at room temperature and above. In our experiments, Xenon exhibits coherence time of 20 seconds, and Helium-3 exhibits coherence time of two hours. Nevertheless, this extreme isolation and the lack of optical transitions impede the coherent interfacing of noble-gas spins with other quantum systems. We show that spin-exchange collisions between noble-gas and alkali-metal atoms provide for such a quantum interface. Despite their stochastic nature, these thermal weak collisions accumulate to an efficient, controllable, and deterministic interface between the spins. Since alkali spin are optically-accessible, this interface paves the way to various quantum optics applications with the noble-gas spins. We present our theoretical and experimental results thus far, including a fully-quantum treatment of the stochastic collisional process, experimental demonstration of strong coupling, and progress towards hour-long storage of light and entanglement of noble-gas ensembles.