2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Quantum measurement remains puzzling through the mist of its stormy history from the early birth of quantum mechanics to state-of-the-art quantum technologies. There were two competitive measurement schemes that have been widely tested in a variety of quantum phenomena: von Neumann’s projective (‘strong’) measurement (1936) and Aharonov’s weak measurement (1988). Here, we report the observation of measurement transition from weak to strong in a single trapped 40Ca+ ion system. By realizing a macroscopic superposition state of the ion's vibrational motion by pre- and post-selecting its internal electronic state, we observed the transition from weak value to expectation value asymptotics. More precisely, the weak-to-strong measurement transition is characterized by a universal transition factor, where is a dimensionless coupling parameter related to the system-apparatus coupling. This transition, which continuously connects weak measurement and projective measurement, is capable of opening new experimental possibilities for testing quantum foundations, as well as novel applications for weak-valued state tomography and simulation in trapped ions and other physical systems.