2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
We study the LHC phenomenology of multiply-charged stable colored twisted top partners (CTTPs). This special kind of top-partners with arbitrary electric charges are motivated by a recent construction which addresses the Higgs fine tuning problem. We present an analysis of two discovery channels of multiply-charged heavy stable particles (MCHSPs). First, the “open” channel - where partners are pair-produced above threshold, and propagate approximately independently. Second, the “closed” channel - where the partner and the anti-partner form a near-threshold, positronium-like, bound state (partnerium). Designated MCHSPs searches are considered for the open signature, and searches for a di-photon resonance are considered for the closed signature. We recast the existing analyses of the two searches for color-singlet fermion (“lepton-like”) MCHSPs to apply for CTTPs, and reanalyze the searches for lepton-like particles. Considering both the open and the closed channels, we obtain current and projected bounds on the masses of MCHSPs with different quantum numbers. We find that for MCHSPs with modest charges, the open-production searches are more important, although they exhibit only little sensitivity to the charge of the new particles. In contrast, we find that the di-photon channel is more sensitive to MCHSPs with large charges, and shows a strong charge-dependence. We conclude that a combined search is useful both for the exclusion and for the discovery of MCHSPs.