2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
The pressure from the radiation of active galactic nuclei (AGN) can
exceed the typical gas pressure in the interstellar medium by many
orders of magnitude. Therefore, the radiation pressure will either
accelerate or compress the exposed gas. We address the compression
scenario, and find the analytical / numerical hydrostatic solution
for the compressed illuminated gas. This solution exhibits two
distinct properties:
1. The gas density of an illuminated gas cloud scales as the
distance of the cloud from the nucleus to the power of -2. We show
that this density vs. distance relation is observed over a dynamical
range of ~10^4 in distance and ~10^8 in gas density. Thus, the AGN
radiation pressure sets the density of the illuminated gas throughout
the host galaxy. This relation is potentially a direct observation of
AGN feedback.
2. The hydrostatic solution implies a unique cloud structure,
independent of the ambient pressure. This solution includes a low
density highly ionized surface layer, and a higher density lower
ionization inner layer. We compare this slab structure with
available observations.