2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Lecture Time | Speaker | Lecture subject |
14:00-14:10 | Abhishek Banerjee |
Relaxed Relaxion We show that the relaxion is generically stabilised at a special position in the field space, changing the parametric de... |
14:11-14:21 | Inbar Savoray |
Probing CP-violation in photon-photon interactions with cavities We are interested in probing CP Violation (CPV) in photon-photon interactions. |
14:22-14:32 | Eric David Kramer | Exceptionally Heavy Thermal Dark Matter from Inverse Semi-Annihilations |
14:33-14:43 | James Eiger |
Detecting Dark Photons from Atomic Rearrangement in the Universe We study a relatively simple model of atomic dark matter in which an atomic rearrangement pr |
14:44-14:54 | Aviv Shalit | Dynamical solutions to the Strong CP problem without the Peccei-Quinn symmetry |
14:55-15:05 | Nitsan Bar |
Is there a supernova bound on axions We present a critical assessment of the SN1987A supernova cooling bound on axions and other light particles. |
15:06-15:16 | Yaniv Weiss [1] |
The electroweak effective field theory the on-shell way We use on-shell methods to construct the renormalizable and effective electroweak amplitudes, with no reference to an ef... |
15:17-15:27 | Itay Bloch [1] |
Crunching Away the Cosmological Constant Problem: Dynamical Selection of a Small Lambda I will discuss a novel explanation for the smallness of the observed cosmological constant (CC). |