2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Recent Advances in Spintronics,
Safed May 10-14, 2015
A Joint ISF & Safed Scientific Workshop
Main topics: spin transfer, spintronics with oxides, emerging spintronics phenomena, spin-orbit effects, molecular and organic spintronics, spintronic devices, and other related topics.
For details see: Spintronics2015.ph.biu.ac.il
Please note: For hotel reservation (Ruth Rimonim Safed) at discount rates through the workshop, please follow the instructions at the website before March 26, 2015.
Organizing committee:
Lior Klein (BIU)
Yoram Dagan (TAU)
Amos Sharoni (BIU)
Alexander Gerber (TAU)
Contact: Sima Sharabi <[email protected]>
Invited Speakers:
Amnon Aharony (BGU&TAU)
Spin Filtering: how to write and read quantum information on mobile qubits
Charles H. Ahn (Yale)*
Eugenio Coronado (University of Valencia)
Magnetic Molecules and Hybrid Materials for Molecular Spintronics
Russell Cowburn (Cambridge)
Novel applications of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy: 3-dimensional MRAM and cancer therapy
Yoram Dagan (TAU)
Hanan Dery (University of Rochester)
Spin and valley transport in two dimensional crystals- graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides
Eitan Ehrenfreund (Technion)
Ora Entin-Wohlman (BGU&TAU)
Spin-polarized electric currents in quantum transport through tubular two-dimensional electron gases
Chang-Beom Eom (University of Wisconsin)
Magnetoelectric coupling in Multiferroic BiFeO3
Yuval Gefen (WIS)
Dynamics of a collective spin and geometric Langevin noise
Alexande Gerber (TAU)
Probing Co-Pd interfaces by the extraordinary Hall effect
Julie Grollier (Thales)
Towards bio-inspired computing with spin-torque nanodevices
Axel Hoffmann (ANL)
Blowing Magnetic Skyrmion Bubbles
Grzegorz Jung (BGU)
Noise signatures of metastable resistivity in ferromagnetic insulating Ca-doped lanthanum manganites
Andrew D. Kent (NYU)
Amit Keren (Technion)
Quantum deflagration in the Fe8 molecular magnet
Lior Klein (BIU)
Current-induced magnetization reversal in uniformly magnetized SrRuO3
Amit Kohn (BGU)
The Role of Crystallographic Structure and Chemical Ordering on the Operation of the Magnetic Tunnel Junction
Gertjan Koster (University of Twente)
Jeremy Levy (University of Pittsburgh)
Oxide Nanoelectronics on Demand
Yishai Manassan (BGU)
STM detection of single electron and nuclear spins
Gil Markovich (TAU)
Spin polarized tunneling through magnetic nanoparticles – a tool for studying their magnetization dynamics
Jagadeesh S. Moodera (MIT)
A step towards molecular spintronics - engineering the molecule/ferromagnet interface
Ron Naaman (WIS)
Spintronics without magnet-The Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) effect
Dafiné Ravelosona (University of Paris Sud)
Controlling domain wall motion on the nanoscale in Ta-CoFeB-MgO devices with perpendicular anisotropy
Eiji Saitoh (Tohoku University)
Spin Pumping to Spin Seebeck Effects
Amos Sharoni (BIU)
Laurent Vila (INAC)
Looking for efficient spin-charge current conversion using Spin-Orbit coupling
Markus Wohlgenannt (University of Iowa)
Room temperature transduction between magnetic and optical information utilizing ferromagnetic fringe-fields and radical dopant