IPS 2015 - Online submission closes TODAY (Nov. 10)

IPS 2015 - Online submission closes TODAY (Nov. 10)

IPS 2015 - Online submission closes TODAY (Nov. 10)



The 61st Annual Meeting of the Israel Physical Society


Sunday December 13th, 2015


Wohl center, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel


Come to Bar Ilan to meet with your colleagues and present your work at the largest event of the physics community in Israel.

Excellent plenary, review and parallel sessions in all disciplines of physics. Students are specifically encouraged!



Online submission will be closed on November 10, 2015 

Don't wait for the last minute. Submit your work now !




Renew your membership in IPS,

which includes also registration for the annual meeting.


Register now to enjoy the reduced early registration

(fee will increase on November 20)

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